Join the underground

Breaking News!...

Trade war for peace -Poor Richard

Justin Trudeau had dinner with a man convicted of sexual assault, 34 count felon and led a failed bloody coup to steal an election.

President Biden pardons his son Hunter because of trumped-up charges.

Leaders around the world are kissing Trumps ass -I'll pass.

Tuesday, March 25th, 2025

Trade war for peace

Trump's tariffs are a way to get money to his partners in crimes against humanity. Billionaires have turned their backs on the ones that made them rich -We the people. Elon Musk is stealing our money and our information right and left. We need an organized effort to stop the steal once and for all. Mother Of All Boycotts

Poor Richard

Friday, February 28th, 2025 Mother Of All Boycotts Day

Wednesday, January 22ndth, 2025

America 2025 -where money trumps morality and facts are banned

Writings On The Wall Of Shame


Shame on all of you cowards for turning your backs on all the people who made you rich. You chose the father of lies over mother earth.

Monday, January 20th, 2025

The King is Dead - Long live Democracy!

I Have a Dream

Saturday, January 11th, 2025

The Big Lie - Confessions of a strongman

Sunday, December 1st, 2024

Strongmen are the wrong men to lead us into a brave new world.

The Truth Podcast

Above the law

Friday night. Time to right the wrong.

The World Wide Webolution

brings you

The Mother Of All Boycotts

The only way to stop the father of lies is with the mother of all boycotts....

The lunatics are running the asylum

Disobey in advance

Donald Trump, Elon Musk and the Greedy Old Pig Party think they have the power of the purse. I've got news for them -millions of democracy loving people around the world have the power of the purse!

Where the Hell is President Biden? The lunatics are running the asylum. People who want Democracy have no leader. President Biden has done a lot for America, but he should be out there organizing a resistance to the Greedy Old Pig Party. The left always talks about mobilizing, but they never really do it. It’s time for the left to say the quiet part out loud. We must wage a rebellion now. We can’t afford to wait two years until the midterms. We don’t have to wait until tomorrow -we can start today!

I’ve been warning the world for over ten years about a Republican hostile take over on the horizon. President Biden should be out this minute organizing a resistance movement. We must institutionalize the resistance movement and make it permanent. Biden had power he never tapped into. There are millions of people around the world who know Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Project 2025 are bad news. They will rob from the poor to give to the rich. There has never been a better time in the history of mankind to turn the world around.

Voters who voted for Trump said they wanted to shake up the status quo. But they voted for the same old thing -the rich getting richer. Donald Trump is the status quo. President Biden should still be fighting. He shouldn't give up and give in just because we lost the election. What good does it do for me to say anything?

Minorities in Florida, North Carolina, Georgia and Texas are treated like they're worth 3/5 of a white man. Why do minorities in these states participate in a system that treats them like they’re worth less that a white man? Cancel your memberships. Close your accounts. Cancel Comcast and Bank of America, Amazon and Facebook!. We must let the Greedy Old Pig Party know that we mean business and it’s not business as usual.

Mitch McConnell is the father of obstruction and he stole a supreme court justice. The Democrats all caved in and gave up, opening the door for more of the same. President Biden is the one who needs to be saying these things not me. President Biden still has time to say the quiet part out loud.

The best part about the Mother Of All Boycotts is that it's nonviolent and it's global. Donald Trump and Elon Musk are weak insecure cowards and we've spent far too much time on this small minority while the majority struggle to make ends meet. American voters broke bad and voted for the status quo instead of electing Kamala Harris. She would have been a great president. In fact, the world needs more women in positions of power globally to provide balance.

Poor Richard

Monday, January 6th 2025 - Certify the Big Lie

Can of Worms

Poor Richard

Friday, November 29th, 2024

When right is wrong
When right is wrong

Poor Richard

Sunday, November 17th, 2024

Don't participate!

It's been a couple of weeks since the American people elected the worst candidate in the history of our country. There have been many discussions as to why so many Americans broke bad and voted for a man who was convicted of sexual assault, is a felon and staged an attempted bloody coup. They looked the other way and voted for him anyway. The voters seemed confused...

Young men of all races also said that inflation was another reason they voted for the donald. The climate crises equals inflation. Republicans denied the climate crises so inflation istheir fault. "Democrats regulate too much" is disinformation by the Greedy Old Pig party. The planet is wrapped in plastic. Microplastics and nanoplastics are in our bodies. Drinking water is contaminated with forever chemicals. And last, but not least, we have the climate crises. Regulate too much? Republicans lie too much. The voters said that Democrats don't "deliver" and had "abandoned" the working class. I have to call bullshit on that. They don't deliver because they get obstructed by the Republicans. Before there was Donald Trump there was Mitch McConnel. Filibusters under Mitch Mcconnel rose exponentially. Mitch McConnell is the father of obstruction and Donald Trump is the father of lies.

A small group of people that includes people like Joe Rogan, Donald Trump, Alex Jones, Elon Musk and Rush Limbaugh take advantage of the ignorant masses and spread disinformation to make money. They are bad actors. They don’t care about tearing the country apart or destroying the planet just so long as they make money.

What can we do to stop Trump from raping America? Nothing. A whole lot of nothing. It will work and it’s nonviolent. The question is -does the left have the courage to do nothing?

Don’t participate! Over 70 million people voted for Kamala Harris and that doesn’t include the millions of people around the world who aren’t fooled by “disinformation.” Joe Biden had power he never tapped into. We must organize, mobilize, globalize and most importantly synchronize our fight against the Greedy Old Pig Party.

Don’t participate in this hostile takeover of America! Call it the Mother Of All Boycotts. Call it the Great Resistance. Call it whatever the hell you want. Cancel your subscriptions. Cancel your memberships. Cancel your bank accounts. Cancel your flights. Cancel Comcast. Cancel. Cancel. Cancel! Cancel the rights culture of violence and hate!

Some said that canceling subscriptions to the Washington Post to send a message to Jeff Bezos would hurt the writers. I say we start our own newspaper. We need creative solutions. Something out of left field. Something from out of the blue. If we keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, we will lose our minds.

This is not a boycott. This is a reasonable response to unreasonable people who are led by a man who’s id is out of control and the billionaires who bought the election. The Greedy Old Pig Party knows they can push decent people around. They will make women and children suffer until the left caves into their demands. This started before Trump. Trump is older than dirt.

This fight isn’t about race. There is no such thing as race. There is no such thing as evil (but that's another story). It’s about stopping the richest 1 % from destroying the planet. 2024 is expected to be the warmest year on record. The sooner we get rid of these strongmen the sooner we can spend our time talking about solutions to turn the earth around.

If we want to stop the insanity, we must empower humanity! Building walls is bad for life on earth, cost trillions and is just more “disinformation” spread by cowards. I started this website after Sandy Hook when I saw how cold-blooded the right’s response was to the massacre of little children. Why didn't the right do anything to protect children from being slaughtered? Money? No, it was fear. I knew then that we were headed towards a hostile takeover of Democracy. There has never been a better time in the history of mankind to stop these strongmen once and for all. The question is -does the 99% have the courage to do nothing?

This is how the left says the quiet part out loud

Poor Richard


Wednesday, November 6th, 2024,

America -Breaking Bad

Over ten years ago I advised the left to institutionalize the resistance movement. They are finally talking about that today. Better late than never. Don’t give up the fight to do what’s right!

Many Americans have decided to break bad and look the other way -because that’s where the money is. They decided to ignore all the bad things trump has done. We must stop Trump before he gets started. Trump is already trying to con the left about ended the division he started. Don’t fall for it this time!

Tuesday, November 5th, 2024,

Save our Democracy

Democracy is a reflection of the human spirit

Poor Richard

Monday, November 4th, 2024,

Get even with Donald Trump Day is Tuesday, November 5th, 2024!

Veto Donald Trump!

Vote Kamala Harris!

Poor Richard

Saturday Morning, November 2nd, 2024


Poor Richard

Monday, October 21st, 2024

Strongmen are the wrong men to lead us into a brave new world.

The Truth Podcast

Male Chauvinist Piggery


Poor Richard

Tuesday Morning, October 29th, 2024

Father of Lies

Banned book club

Poor Richard

Monday, October 21st, 2024

Father of Lies

Poor Richard

Friday, October Surprise, 2024

Tuesday, September 10th 2024

Breaking News!
No debate

The King is Dead
Long Live Democracy!


Poor Richard

Wednesday, August 21st 2024

Lock him up

Above the law

Sunday, July 21st 2024!

America makes herstory!
Good luck Kamala!
Thanks Joe!

Poor Richard

Saturday, July 13th, 2024.

Project 2025 by Donald Trump

Global Warning

If Trump wins the world loses

Many people are saying...

that if donald trump wins the election he poses an existential threat to democracy. It's even worse than that. His election poses an existential threat to our planet. Just wanted this to be clear because trump should be getting crushed in the polls.

If Donald Trump gets elected climate change will become irreversible. Microplastics and forever chemicals will get worse. We only have a small window of opportunity to solve the climate crises and that window is closing fast. It will take a global effort to stop the Greedy Old Pig Party led by their useful idiot -Donald Trump.

If the republicans win they will never relinquish power! The Supreme Court 6 and Leonard Leo are unamerican and abusing power. The only way we would ever get our democracy back again is with civil war. This will wreck our economy. Stubborn inflation can be directly linked to republican mismanagement greed. Their denial of the climate crises and tax breaks for the filthy rich has led to higher inflation.

The economy under President Biden is rocking! The best in the world! Inflation is down. The stock market is breaking records everyday and President Biden has has gotten green policies through republican obstruction.

Project 2025

by Donald Trump

Project 2025 by Donald Trump is a blueprint for a dystopian future

  • Takes Away Reproductive Freedom Nationwide
  • Uses the Presidency for Revenge on Trump’s Political and Personal Enemies
  • Consolidates Power in the Oval Office
  • Guts Democratic Checks and Balances on Presidential Power
  • Gives Handouts to the Ultra Wealthy Paid for by Working Families And Much, Much, Much More -Save Global Democracy!

Trump should be getting crushed in the polls. If Trump was being crushed in the polls that would put the fear of God in the Greedy Old Pig Party because they only care about money. The problem isn't President Biden’s age because he has a backup -Kamala Harris. The problem is the voters aren’t getting the message. What we need now is a global grassroots movement with boots on the ground going door to door in a 50-state strategy. We have less than 4 months to stop the MAGA cowards and the sooner they get the message the better! There has never been a better time in the history of mankind to crush these strong men because they are the wrong men to lead us into a brave new world!

The king is dead!

Long live democracy!

Poor Richard

Wedsneday, June 19th, 2024

Happy Juneteenth!

Just a quick word.

Heard 2 stories. Louisiana black voters are frustrated because of voter gerrymandering by governor Jeff Landry and Ron DeSantis trying to erase black history from schools. My question is this; Why do African Americans in these states participate in a system that is treating them like they are worth 3/5's of a white man?
I think that every black athlete in these states should refuse to play. Pull your money out of the hands of these racist governors. Attacking the wealth of the Greedy Old Pig party is the only effective strategy proven to work. They don't care about protests They don't care what history is going to say about them, so wagging our fingers and trying to shame them is futile. Attack their wealth before it's too late to save our democracy!

Poor Richard

Mother Of All Boycotts

Monday, March 25th, 2024

New Website! Truth Social Boycott

Poor Richard

Military solutions:
Doing the same thing for thousands of years and expecting different results.

Poor Richard

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

See no evil.


President Biden refered to Hamas as "Pure evil" and "Sheer evil" The Mayor of New York called Hamas "Demons." When Americans commit mass killings Americans say that person is mentally ill.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Evil doesn't exist. Evil is the Devil's last name. We can't cure evil, but we can cure the human condition if you pull your heads out of the dark ages.

Poor Richard

Saturday, October 22nd, 2022
New Websites!
Enemies of the Deepstate
Mother Of All Boycotts
World Wide Webolution page 2

Sunday, May 8th, 2022

Happy Mother Of All Boycott's day!

The radical right's agenda for the midterms 2022

Elon Musk said that the left has gone too far. Let's look at the facts.

So, what are we going to to to stop the obstructionist party? Nothing. A whole lot of nothing. Why should we participate in a system that considers minorites to only be worth 3/5 as much as white men? Why should minority athletes play to pay for the white way of life? We will pull all our money out of this unequal system. We just have to pick a time and a place to call in sick. Quit our Amazon accounts. Protesting will not stop their madness. Attacking their wealth will!Their selfish agenda will be bad for the economy. We will attack their wealth with mobilization, organization and unleashing the MOAB! If we stick together like birds of a feather we will weather the storm and form a more perfect union.

Poor Richard

Thursday, April 28th, 2022

Putin's exit ramp

The world should tell Russia that we will help them build back better if they remove Vlad the bad actor from power. That is our best offer. Putin is now impotent. Putin and his henchmen will be convicted of war crimes and will be arrested as soon as they leave Russia. If Putin had just called Volodymyr Zelenskyy 3 months ago and made peace and committed to work with the global community then thousands of Ukrainians would still be alive and Russia would be stronger. But, sadly, that ship has sailed and Putin has to go! If Russia gets rid of Putin then the entire world will help Russia build back better.

Poor Richard

Thursday, March 3rd, 2022


We are going the wrong way! Thousands of us should be going to Ukraine.

By bus! By train! By plane!
By George, I think we've got it!

Desperate times...

As of now, there isn't a no fly zone. So what's stopping us from flying in humanitarian relief to the Ukrainian people? Ukraine is a free country and the world has the right to stop Putin from mass murder.

Russian soldiers suffer from low morale and low pay. We can drop leaflets telling Russian soldiers to join the resistance and we will give them a new life and a new job.

Poor Richard

Democracy on Steroids.

Unite and fight the rightwing nut jobs. How do we stop
Vlad the bad actor? putin is a Thug DoS attack by millions of citizens across the globe. GameStop did it to Wall Street. We the people can beat them at their own game. There has never been a better time in history of mankind to redesign the status quo. These strong men have got to go. They are the wrong men to lead us into a brave new world. We the people can give the Ukrainian people some power. It is our duty as humans as God is our witness. The resistance must wage a rebellion and ring in a brave new world. Democracy is a reflection of the human spirit.

More to come. I'm not close to being done.
Poor Richard


Unite and conquer!


Thursday, November 11th, 2021

Black Friday

What we buy today
our children pay for tomorrow

Poor Richard

Gov. Greg Abbott is leading the way to make it more difficult for minorites to vote. He wants to promote white supremacy. Others are soon to follow. SCOTUS is trying to hollow out the voting rights act. We must attack their wealth. Heres how:

  • All black atheletes from Texas, Arizona, Georgia, Floridia and acrross the US should refuse to play until the day they have equal voting rights!
  • Joe Biden, Barrack Obama, Jimmy Carter and thousands of others will bring food and water to people forced to stand up for their right to vote. Greg Abbott can't arrest all of us!
  • Boycott every business that supports the Greedy Old Pig Party's attempts to deny equal voting rights all Americans.
  • Institutionalize the resistance movement and make it permanant. A one stop shop to stop the Greedy Old Pig Party. Will provide funding, support and will synchronize all minority groups who aren't being treated equally.
  • And last, but not least, we will unleash KOD's secret weapon: A MOAB.

This is just a partial list. More later!

If the needy greedy don't agree to our demands then the resistance will be forced to unleash one of the most powerful weapons ever developed by humanity. A weapon so powerful that it leaves women, children and the poor unharmed and only obliterates the wealth of the richest 1%. So, just what is this new secret weapon? The Mother Of All Boycotts.

Attacking their wealth is the only thing that works. People tried for years to get Daniel Snyder to change the name of the Washington football team. It was racist and offensive to Native Americans yet he refused to budge for decades. It wasn't until his wealth was attacked that he finally backed down.

This isn't South Africa. This isn't Russia. This isn't America 1950. This is America 2021 and we've never been better connected.

                                                                                                                              Save Our Society,
Poor Richard

Go Green

Like this, but bigger.

  • Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, and Mike Bloomberg should all give at least 1% of their money to buy the world solar. All the money we gave them won't be enough to save them from the climate crises!
  • Magnisolaroid
  • Virtual valve in the atmosphere to release excess heat. Climate controlled planet.

The Right is wrong

Me me me
What can you do for me?
Herd Mentality
The end

Thank you!


Your recent decision to suppress the voting rights of non-white Americans has done more to galvanize the underground resistance movement than Barrack Obama ever did! You have made a mockery of our Democracy. Amy Phony Barrett has suppressed the right to vote for Native Americans, Latinos and African-Americans all to promote white privilege!

That said, I have read the writing on the wall and we would all do better if you had followed the letter of the law. The Constitution is not designed just for white sheeple, but for people all over the globe. A black robe offers no protection from the direction the winds of change that will rearrange the status quo.

I have to go to work, but I'll be back soon with a secret weapon that is going to blow your minds!

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
                      The Underground

The Left is right

We we we
What can we do for you?
Herd Immunity
The beginning

911  2020

The cowards on the right take great delight when talking about God and religion, but they don’t practice what they preach. They teach hate and division and worship precision bombs. They were quick to condemn Saddam’s role in 9/11 and claim that their place in Heaven is now set in stone.

We have known about climate change for years, but those on the right plug their ears and look the other way and pray for a stay of execution. Their lack of a solution for the acts of man is due to their use of alternative facts.

They twist reality into nots and have no thoughts on the world they have laid to rest. Their quest for power explains why they cower and degrade themselves.

They are afraid of this, that and the other and rape their mother earth for all she is worth. They cling to their guns, throw our sons and daughters into harm’s way and refuse to say they are wrong.

They build walls all along the border to cure the disorder in their minds and avoid acts of kindness because they are afflicted with morality blindness.

They fail to see the forest for the trees and blame their disease on the devil. They level the land then stick their heads in the sand to bask in the reflected glory of doing nothing to change our little story.

The End